Wednesday Nov 29, 2023
Episode 9: A Positive Attitude with Sarah Marino
Episode 9: A Positive Attitude with Sarah Marino
Today's guest, Sarah Marino, is a nature photographer, photography educator, and writer based in southwestern Colorado. In addition to photographing grand landscapes, Sarah is best known for her photographs of smaller subjects including intimate landscapes, abstract renditions of natural subjects, and creative portraits of plants and trees. Sarah is the author or co-author of a diverse range of educational resources for nature photographers on subjects like composition, photographing nature’s small scenes, and black and white photography. Sarah, a co-founder of the Nature First Alliance for Responsible Nature Photography, also seeks to promote the responsible stewardship of natural and wild places through her photography and teaching.
Mentioned in this episode: https://www.youtube.com/@livelaughlandscape5505
Website: https://smallscenes.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sarahmarinophoto/
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/SarahMarinoPhoto
Blog post: https://www.wildwomanphotography.com/episode-9-sarah-marino
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